HOME PORT: Baker's Haulover, FL

Volume 1 of the Crooked Gaff Chronicles

Monday, October 17, 2011

To be

I finally saw the light today in class.  Thank God I dont have too many to be words. Great tool

Friday, October 7, 2011


Coordinates: 25° 39' 02" N,  80° 09' 36" W, Biscayne Channel
Average Depth: 1-3 Ft.
Remaining Houses: 7

                                                         -Biscayne Bay sunrise at Stiltsville

“The first time I saw the houses, it was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had out on the water," proclaimed a native Miami fisherman.  This feeling is experienced by thousands of people every year when they visit Stiltsville.  These houses lie half a mile southwest of the lighthouse in Bill Baggs State Park, Key Biscayne, Fl.  They represent a time in the history of South Florida that embodied the years prior to and after World War II.  It gave rise to famous nightclubs, hosted luxurious members-only houses, and catered to the worlds elite for many years.   The houses have been a symbol of Miami’s past for almost three quarters of a century, and the struggle to keep them afloat continues.
                  A few historians believe that there may have been up to 12 houses in Stiltsville as early as 1922.  Most natives however believe it began with a local fisherman named “Crawfish” Eddie Walker.  As a fisherman, he sold bait and beer from his shack and was privy to what would soon become a floating paradise.  He was later joined by friends whom themselves became stilt house owners and added to the already colorful ensemble of residents of this unique water world.  World famous clubs like the Calvert and Quarterback Club took residence amongst the stilt houses after World War II.  These clubs would serve as gambling establishments and would cater to the wealthy and privileged socialites who explored the flats of Biscayne Bay.  The clubs were raided throughout the years but nothing was ever found.  In addition to gambling and after-hours bars, many were fishing and boating clubs.  And to this day, the Miami Springs Power Boat Club continues to be the most famous club in Stiltsville.  

                                                        -Miami Springs PowerBoat Club
                  The Biscayne Channel also hosted the Bikini Club.  A 150-foot yacht named the Jeff that was grounded by a man named Harry Churchville, a.k.a. “Pierre.” For a one dollar membership, he would offer alcoholic beverages to his patrons, free drinks to bikini clad women, and staterooms at no cost.  Three years after the social club began, it was abruptly closed down by the state beverage department for operating without a liquor license, and having over 40 out of season and undersized crawfish.  Just a few months after being closed, Hurricane Betsy came through on Labor Day of 1965 and ravaged most of the houses in Stiltsville, and damaging the Bikini Club beyond repair (tilting 20 degrees to port).

                                                                    -The Bikini Club
To be continued… (waiting on interview source if he ever calls back, thinking about either doing some more info on other famous events and people that were involved in Stiltsville or more on factual things such as price, directions, etc.  Let me know what you think I should include in the rest of it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Inside Stiltsville

Stiltsville Research

Clary, Mike. "National Perspective; COMMUNITY; Once a Free-Spirited Outpost, Stiltsville Now on its Last Legs; Time and Tide have Taken a Toll. Now, the U.S. Says Leaseholders must Vacate." Los Angeles Times Oct 03 2000: 5. Los Angeles Times. PROQUESTMS. 3 Oct. 2011 <http://search.proquest.com/docview/421726945?accountid=10901>.

"Exclusive Community Perches Off Miami." New York Times (1923-Current file) Aug 06 1971: 35. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007). PROQUESTMS. 3 Oct. 2011 <http://search.proquest.com/docview/119264686?accountid=10901>.

Davies, Frank. "Rescue Plan for Stiltsville Gets Attention of Congress." Miami Herald Jul 06 2000: 00001. Ethnic NewsWatch. PROQUESTMS. 3 Oct. 2011 <http://search.proquest.com/docview/293707688?accountid=10901>.


